About a dozen students each year from Martin Luther King Academic Magnet School in Nashville have a rare opportunity to visit the State Capitol and learn how government works through the ENA Page Program sponsored by Education Networks of America.
Excused from classes, the pages attend the TISL General Assembly and perform the traditional duties of pages at a legislative assembly.
The pages elect their own Chief Page, Deputy Chief Page and Secretary. The program is open to high school students at MLK.
At TISL, pages perform a wide range of tasks, including:
Deliver bills between the Senate, House and Secretary of State.
Serve as bailiffs and couriers for AMC3.
Help to prepare the House Chamber for joint sessions.
Help to count ballots in elections.
The pages also join TISL delegates in hearing from outside speakers, including the annual President's Address.
More than one page has returned to TISL after entering college. Brandon Chrisman was a page in 2010 and later served TISL as Speaker Pro Tem of the House, Speaker of the House, Speaker of the Senate and Governor (2015).
Benefits for pages include:
Visiting and learning about the Capitol and other nearby government buildings
Learning about legislative and judicial processes
ENA's support covers all out-of-pocket expenses for the pages and additional support for TISL's programs generally.