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  1. Park at the Hampton Inn Capitol View or Public Square Garage. Parking Details

  2. Walk to the State Capitol (two blocks); enter via the Tunnel on Charlotte Avenue. Downtown Map

  3. Register with TISL on the second floor of the Capitol.

  4. Attend training and orientation. See Schedule for details.

  5. General Assembly convenes promptly at noon in the House Chamber.


Handicap Access


The Capitol and the Legislative Plaza are part of an interconnected group of buildings with complete indoor, escalator and elevator access to all areas TISL will be using. With advance request, we will arrange for delegates with special needs to park beneath the Legislative Plaza, from which they can access all areas.

Navigating Nashville

This map is provided to provide TISL delegates an east navigating device for transporting between government buildings and nearby attractions. 


We have highlighted numerous low-cost restaurants within a few blocks of the State Capitol.


You may download a PDF copy of this map by clicking here.

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